Understanding and supporting the used zero emission vehicle market

Zero-emission vehicles hold great promise for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality, but even with over 10 million electric vehicles now on the road, the high upfront cost means that they remain inaccessible to much of the population. The...

COP26: Challenges and opportunities for getting to 100% ZEV sales

COP26: Challenges and opportunities for getting to 100% ZEV sales

Governments around the world are increasingly setting targets for the full transition to zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) to meet their transport decarbonization goals as well as realize benefits for air quality and their economies. Although the ZEV market has grown...

Mature, flourishing, equitable EV charging ecosystem

Identifies key policy requirements to create a mature, flourishing, equitable electric-vehicle charging ecosystem across the world and describes what a mature charging ecosystem looks like from a user’s perspective.

Policies for a mature, flourishing & equitable EV charging ecosystem

Global Sustainable Mobility Partnership (GSMP) members Cenex NL, Cenex UK, Forth, TERI and uYilo were commissioned by the International Zero-Emission Vehicle Alliance to create a vision for a charging infrastructure ecosystem that could efficiently, equitably and...