Assesses market trends, technology changes, and policies to better understand and support the used ZEV market.

Assesses market trends, technology changes, and policies to better understand and support the used ZEV market.
Global transportation systems have begun a shift to newer, cleaner technologies that will meet greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction and air quality improvement goals that governments have developed or fleets have adopted for themselves. Though freight vehicles...
The Global Climate Action Summit wrapped up September 14, 2018 in San Francisco, and what a week it was! The gathering of businesses, governments, and other groups interested in climate protection strengthened existing commitments and launched many new measures to...
In late 2015, we heralded the first million electric vehicles taking to the road around the world. In January 2017, cumulative global electric vehicles sales already reached the second million. As milestones go, there’s nothing quite like the first, but the second...
It seems the world can't shift quickly enough to electric vehicles. Within the past few months there has been a steady drumbeat of stories about possible bans on combustion vehicles, prompting calls for a more rapid deployment of electric vehicles. At this point, the...
Paris, France – Thirteen North American and European governments announced today that they will strive to make all new passenger vehicles in their jurisdictions zero emission vehicles (ZEVs) by no later than 2050. Achieving this will accelerate the global transition...
Milestones are important, and numbers, especially large round numbers, make good ones. The automobile was born in 1879. Probably a little more than three decades later the millionth automobile took the road, in about 1912-1913. Now, a century on, with a world...