Explores evolving financial incentives for zero-emission vehicles to ensure market growth, equity, and environmental benefits as ZEVs transition into the mainstream.

Explores evolving financial incentives for zero-emission vehicles to ensure market growth, equity, and environmental benefits as ZEVs transition into the mainstream.
The second in a two-part blog series explores the implementation of the European Union’s Energy Performance Building Directive (EPBD) for electric vehicle (EV) charging in apartment buildings, offering case studies from across Europe to demonstrate innovative approaches to making EV charging accessible and affordable for residents in multi-unit dwellings.
The first in a two-part blog series explores the European Union’s Energy Performance Building Directive (EPBD), focusing on the mandatory installation of private charging stations for electric vehicles in new and renovated buildings.
Highlights challenges to electric vehicle charging in apartments, illustrating the importance of increasing charging options for residents of multi-unit dwellings from the perspective of cost, equity, and magnitude of the population concerned.
Examines strategies from leading governments to enhance private overnight charging in urban multi-unit dwellings, covering regulatory, financial, business model, technological, and educational aspects, and solutions for residents without access to private parking.
Highlights the existing disparity in ZEV ownership, quantifies the environmental justice benefits of ZEVs, and provides policy and program recommendations that government agencies can implement.
Assesses market trends, technology changes, and policies to better understand and support the used ZEV market.
Identifies key policy requirements to create a mature, flourishing, equitable electric-vehicle charging ecosystem across the world and describes what a mature charging ecosystem looks like from a user’s perspective.
This report summarizes the knowledge gathered from a series of listening sessions on expanding access to zero-emission vehicles commissioned and convened by the International Zero-Emission Vehicle Alliance. The listening series discussions revealed the profound...
This paper analyzes the development of shared and autonomous zero-emission mobility around the world and the lessons learned thus far. It assesses circumstances where shared and autonomous fleets present opportunities and challenges for transitioning to...